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News for Birders - 1 September 2024

Writer's picture: Adam CruickshankAdam Cruickshank
  1. BeKZN 2025 Calendar

BirdLife eThekwini has announced that their 2025 bird calendar is now available for pre-order. The theme for this year's calendar is 'Wild Relationships: It's complicated...' Each month in this thirteen-month calendar features an exceptional bird photograph and a story.

The calendar, which will make a great addition to any birder or nature lover's wall, is a great gift idea. The calendars are very popular and usually sell out quickly, so place your orders soon. Best of all, all proceeds from the sale of the calendar go to the BeKZN Bird Conservation Fund.

To order, all you need to do is step 1, 2 and 3 and leave 4 and 5 to them:

1. Send an email to stating the number of calendars you are ordering

2. Attach your proof of payment (payment details below – EFT preferred but secure Yoco credit card link is an option) to the order email if possible or get the bank to send it to the address.

3. In the email indicate your preferred suburb for collection of your calendar as per the depot’s locations. There will be depots with committee members in Westville, Kloof, Hillcrest, Durban North, Umhlanga.

4. Once you send your email you will receive an autoreply email confirming your order was received (please keep this).

5. You will then be advised of the committee stations where you can collect your orders when the calendar orders are distributed. You will be sent the details of the depots and contact people later.

2. Bindo Birding App Spring Challenge

Bindo app have launched an awesome 'Spring Challenge', where not only can you contribute to conservation, but also stand in line to win some amazing prizes!

Their website says the following about the challenge:

'Spring is almost here and we’re giving away a pair of Swarovski Binoculars 🙌

Here's How It Works

Challenge Duration‍1 September - 30 November 2024

ParticipationThere is no need to sign up— add your bird sightings and atlas cards in Bindo and you will be automatically entered.  ‍

‍There are two challenges that you can participate in:

  1. Stand a chance to win a pair of Swarovski Binoculars if you log at least 100 unique species in Bindo this spring. Once you’ve logged 100 species you will be entered into the lucky draw for a pair of Swarovski CL Companion 8 x 30s

  2. We want to encourage birders to submit their sighting data to SABAP2. Every unique full protocol SABAP2 atlas card that you submit through Bindo this spring will enter you into a lucky draw for a pair of amazing locally sourced and hand-crafted Jim Green African Ranger boots

For more information, visit their website

3. African Birdlife Magazine - September - October

Just in time for spring, our favourite bird magazine has just hit the shelves. Make sure to get your copy!



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